Manage your loan account, make payments, view online statements and more! Loan Account Login First time?A payoff letter provides instructions on how to pay off a loan with a lump sum before the loan term ends. Learn how payoff letters work. If you apply online, your application will be transferred to your local 1ˢᵗ Franklin Financial office where the loan decision will be made. If you are a Borrower and would like to request a payoff amount for your loan, please call our Customer Care team at 800.797.6324. You can use this form to request a payoff statement for any loan type. Required for vehicle payoff request only. Municipal Credit Union makes it easy to find affordable and flexible car loan options with member-friendly terms. A "Right to Cure" notice is not required before repossession if you: (1) Are in default for any reason other than missing a payment; or.