Yes, you can make extra payments to pay down your loan, or pay off your loan in full. There is never a fee for making an additional payment.If you do not want to participate in any Overdraft Elect Plan please fill out the form on our Overdraft Services page, call us at 1.800. If you would like to pay off your loan early or calculate your payoff amount, click the "Payoff My Loan" button in your Fulton Bank dashboard. We offer a variety of ways to submit funds to payoff and close your loan. Attn: Loan Operations Fulton Bank, NA 1695 State Street East Petersburg, PA 17520 Call Fulton Bank's digital banking center at 1.800.FULTON.4. Contact Us. Email Fulton Bank. Question: Applying Time Value of Money Concepts Fulton Corporation purchases new manufacturing lion. The annual interest rate o 7-43.