Quickly and securely deposit checks, check balances, access your Fulton Bank Credit Card accounts, and track recent transactions to manage your money. Our Homebuyer Advantage Plus® Mortgage is designed for first time homebuyers and offers flexible credit terms and a low down payment.A monthly mortgage statement contains important information about your loan servicer, your payment schedule, your loan balance and much more. Balances Prior to Billing Transactions are Shown Below – Displays balances, as of the statement date, for the following accounts: • Principal. The Fulton County Homeownership Program (HOP) offers eligible first-time homebuyers down payment and closing cost assistance. Georgia Dream Mortgage Products. The Georgia Dream Loan Programs provide assistance and funding for eligible homebuyers based on their income or veteran status. Notice of a Request for Proposals. Address: 4480 Cox Rd. Suite 101, Glen Allen, Virginia 23060. Our credit quality metrics improved during the year.