Requests may be sent to State Home Mortgage via email, as long as the form is completely filled out. To release a lien or security interest, contact the lender holding the Lien to electronically release the title.Hello, this is my first car and I just paid the loan on, didn't receive any particular message from my bank about the ownership of the car. Edit and download in PDF. Payoff good thru date. The Affidavit of Nonpayment in Georgia must be filed within 90 days to retain lien rights if you signed a waiver and didn't receive payment. It can take roughly two to six weeks to get your title after paying off a car. Complete Part A of the Application and Part A of the Promissory Note on Page 3. 2. You should receive the official title from the bank in the next month or so. We are in the process of changing vendors for the City of Atlanta lien payoff requests.