Requests may be sent to State Home Mortgage via email, as long as the form is completely filled out. Withdrawn: Applicants can request withdrawal of their application at any time prior to approval.All "completed" requests are returned within two business days. •. Contact your lender online or over the phone to request a payoff statement. Learn what a mortgage payoff statement is, how to request one, and and what to do if your mortgage servicer fails to send it. Sign on to your account, select your auto loan from Account Summary, and then Get payoff quote. Sign on to your account, select your auto loan from Account Summary, and then Get payoff quote. You should have received a goodbye letter that provides details on the transfer of your loan. The PNC Mortgage Bi-Weekly Automated Payment Program helps you pay off your mortgage loan faster and reduce interest payments. Loan Payoff: Glynn County shall pay off the GEFA Loan when sufficient.