Provide the owner with a completed and signed Form T-4 Lien or Security Interest Release. We'll send the title or lien release to you within 30 days of your final payment clearing, depending on payment method and applicable state laws.Use this template to easily file your lien release at the same county clerk's office where the original lien was filed. 1. Gather the required information about the vehicle. The FDIC may be able to assist you in obtaining a lien release if the request is for a customer of a failed bank that was placed into FDIC receivership. Fill in the name and address of the buyer or buyers on the title. What is the T 4 form from Georgia? If any owner is not able to visit a Gwinnett tag office, the form can be filled out online, printed and signed. The owner will then need to contact the lender to have the lien released. Does state allow electronic signatures?