If your account has been paid in full for more than 90 days, you can also obtain a duplicate title or lien release online at Vehicle Title My Way. The usual time to receive your title or lien release is 2-3 weeks, depending on the state and how the title is held.Explore purchase options and resources, get pre-approved for a new Honda purchase or lease, or log in to your American Honda Financial Services account. It can take up to six weeks or more to have the lien removed from your car title and make it officially yours. Once you've completed all of the payments on your Honda, we will release our lien and a clean title will be sent to you in the mail. The finance company sent me a title that has the lien holder on it, but it is stamped and signed. What do I do with this? We've provided a "Lease End Checklist" as well as a list of steps to if you decide to buy your leased vehicle, below. Find information for Honda car owners like financial services and care plans. The dealer said they would call me back.