The last month and year-to-date figures for the "Past Payments Breakdown" section of the mortgage statement are populated from this file. Learn how to read mortgage statements to help clients track payments, avoid errors, and manage their mortgages efficiently.Establish property records and record real estate transactions within Hennepin County. How do I fill this out? Form 1098 is used to report mortgage interest and related expenses paid for the year. This Forms Guide and Glossary provides an overview of required and optional forms and worksheets for our Mortgage Loan Programs. A letter of explanation is a document that the lender may request to learn more about your specific financial situation. Balances Prior to Billing Transactions are Shown Below – Displays balances, as of the statement date, for the following accounts: • Principal. County treasurers should use the following Property Tax Statement instructions and materials to prepare statements for taxes payable in 2025. Or a benefits statement.