How to fill out the Land Contract Payoff Instructions and Details? 1. Fill in the property address accurately. 2.You can search for property records and property ownership information online, in person, or over the phone with a 311 representative. Include the payment amount. Include the date you plan to make the payment. It requests details of the original sales price, interest rate, payment due dates, date of last payment, and the remaining payoff balance. Download newest version of Mortgage Payoff Land Contract Form • Customize, fill out, and submit online • Sizable directory of various templates and PDFs. It requests details of the original sales price, interest rate, payment due dates, date of last payment, and the remaining payoff balance. The Vehicle Payoff Sample Letter form is a crucial document for individuals aiming to transfer their vehicle loan to the State Department Federal Credit Union. Cash-out refinance transactions involving installment land contracts are not eligible for delivery.