Discover how much interest you can save if you pay off your mortgage earlier with the Mortgage Payoff Calculator from Credit Union of Southern California. NerdWallet's early mortgage payoff calculator figures out how much more to pay.Use this free California mortgage calculator to estimate your monthly mortgage payments and annual amortization. The mortgage payoff calculator helps you find out. This mortgage payoff calculator helps evaluate how adding extra payments or bi-weekly payments can save on interest and shorten mortgage term. Use SmartAsset's free California mortgage loan calculator to determine your monthly payments, including PMI, homeowners insurance, taxes, interest and more. Credit Card Payoff - Use this calculator to see what it will take to payoff your credit card balance, and what you can change to meet your repayment goals. Use WalletHub's credit card payoff calculator to calculate how long it will take to pay off a balance and how much it will cost. How can I Pay Off the Credit Card Debt I Racked Up over the Holidays? Mortgage Payoff Calculator.