It should specify a repayment term and payment schedule, an interest rate, and other contingencies, such as how late payments or a default will be handled. If a family member needs to borrow money, use our customizable family loan agreement template to get it in writing.A personal loan agreement is a contract between two parties, generally a borrower and a lender. It outlines how much is borrowed, how it's repaid and more. Detail and formalize the terms of a loan with our free loan agreement template and make the lending process easier for all parties involved. When borrowing money from or loaning money to family and friends, make sure that your loan agreement addresses all the basic terms. A payoff agreement is an informal contract in which a creditor agrees to accept the balance of a debt owed as full payment. The document provides clarity for both the borrower and the lender, establishing important terms and conditions pertaining to both parties. A letter of explanation can clarify your financial situation and get you one step closer to qualifying for a mortgage. A family loan agreement, also known as an "intrafamily loan," is a document used whenever money is lent between two (2) family members.