Your mortgage statement contains important information about your loan balance and monthly payments. See what's included in this guide.Balances Prior to Billing Transactions are Shown Below – Displays balances, as of the statement date, for the following accounts: • Principal. A Loan Estimate tells you important details about a mortgage loan you have requested. When you apply for a mortgage, you'll need to provide your lender with a set of asset statements. A mortgage statement is an accounting of all of the details about your mortgage, including the current balance owed, interest charges, interest rate changes. When the property securing the loan is NOT a 1 to 4 unit residential property the RE882 or RE883 may be used. The sample Loan Estimate shows you where you'll find information on your own form. A letter of explanation can be important in the mortgage underwriting and application process. A monthly mortgage statement contains important information about your loan servicer, your payment schedule, your loan balance and much more.