If you need financial assistance to attend Maricopa Community Colleges, you may be eligible for scholarships and student loans. For questions about balance due, previous payments, or payoff amount, contact the Clerk's Office at 6023725375 Mon Fri 8 AM to 5 PM MST.A secured lender shall prepare and deliver a payoff demand statement to the person who has requested it within fourteen days after receipt of the demand. A student loan is money you borrow that you must repay with interest; however, it usually carries lower interest rates than other types of loans. These documents may include: ❒ The Promissory Note - This is the legal evidence of indebtedness and formal promise to repay the debt. You must fill out this. Interest rate reference rate in the loan agreement which may impact the amount of interest the borrower pays on the loans (for example,. LIBOR). Please complete this survey to assist in improving civil legal services in Arizona. Frequently Requested Forms.