If your account has been paid in full for more than 90 days, you can also obtain a duplicate title or lien release online at Vehicle Title My Way. A service is available on AZMVDNow.Gov to check for liens and unresolved financial obligations on an Arizona titled vehicle. The usual time to receive your title or lien release is 2-3 weeks, depending on the state and how the title is held. I certify that the lien indicated above has been paid in full, that I have no further interest in and release all claims to the vehicle. Have your VIN handy to get started. Select your lender, Acura Financial Services, Honda Financial Services, PNC. Complete this form if: • You were awarded a judgment, and. • You recorded the judgment with the Maricopa County Recorder, and. The independent auditors expressed an unmodified opinion on the Maricopa County financial statements for the fiscal year ended June.