Frequently Requested Forms, Civil Court Forms, Criminal Court Forms, Family Court Forms, Financial Forms, Probate Court Forms, Specialty Court Forms. All Financial Aid forms take 5-7 business days to process and up to 14 business days during peak times (January, July–September)Find out how to submit a public records request to the MCAO Custodian of Records. To assist you in the admissions process, we have provided access to several forms and the processing time needed for each. To make an online payment, you must have your Case Number AND Debtor Number, which may be found on your Billing Statement. If you prefer to mail your public records request, complete this form, print, and mail to the address listed. You can fill out online, print, sign, and mail Form DS-64 to the address on the form. The Housing Authority of Maricopa County (HAMC) owns and manages 500 units in 15 communities throughout Maricopa County. For questions about balance due, previous payments, or payoff amount, contact the Clerk's Office at 6023725375 Mon Fri 8 AM to 5 PM MST. Description – a comprehensive narrative description of the tax or revenue source.