To make a prohibited loan acceptable, every requirement must be satisfied. That's where things get complicated.If your financial institution, account number, or routing number changes, you must complete a new Direct Deposit Authorization. Form. Taking out a 401(k) loan isn't an ideal situation, but if you're forced to do so, can you pay it off early? A 401(k) loan works much like a personal loan, except you're borrowing from your retirement account instead of a lender. Here are a few tips for completing the form: The form asks you to describe the property you wish to have released from garnishment. A full complete credit report must be provided for all borrowers. 4. It is not a deemed loan. The IRS and lenders allow you to withdraw from a 401(k) for a home purchase, but there are a few caveats. 401(k) loans are appealing because they are quick and convenient.