Once you've made the final payment on your loan, you can get the title from your lender and become the full owner of your car. When your loan is paid off, your lender will send the lien release to the DMV.The FDIC may be able to assist you in obtaining a lien release if the request is for a customer of a failed bank that was placed into FDIC receivership. Important information about transferring the vehicle's title to your name and placing PNC's lien on the title. Once you pay off your loan, your lender will send you an official release of lien letter. The loan is due when you sell the property or when you pay off your first mortgage. How can I make payments or payoff on my mortgage loan? This form cannot be used to enforce a small claims judgment. If you receive this form in a small claims case, contact a lawyer. Once screening is complete, enter the CAIVRS confirmation code on VA Form.