Loans are not permitted from IRAs or from IRAbased plans such as SEPs, SARSEPs and SIMPLE IRA plans. Loans are only possible from qualified plans.It is not a deemed loan. Learn how to fill out a Financial Statement Form, which you need for many types of cases in Massachusetts Probate and Family Court. 401(k) loans can be a convenient alternative to a highinterest credit card, it's important to remember that these loans can be harmful to your retirement plan. Most 401k loan programs only allow you to have one loan outstanding at a time. The IRS and lenders allow you to withdraw from a 401(k) for a home purchase, but there are a few caveats. Find instructions on how to file the financial statement long form in the courts. Use this form to request a one-time withdrawal from a Fidelity Self-Employed 401(k), Profit Sharing, or Money Purchase Plan account. This 10-year total can be reached through regular work with any MA contributory retirement system or through completing another service purchase2.