Production company is required to complete and submit a separate loan-out affidavit for every personal service or loan-out company included. An IOU (I Owe You) is a legal document that sets out the details of a loan made between two people, a borrower, and a lender.Form 433I-Payment Agreement Application. Massachusetts. Department of. Revenue. Learn how to fill out a Financial Statement Form, which you need for many types of cases in Massachusetts Probate and Family Court. "Streamline your mortgage process using our customizable Gift Letter for Mortgage template. If interest is charged, the rate should be included with a repayment schedule. A promissory note is a contract completed when a party (lender) loans money to another (borrower). This is done to get a judgment against the receiving party, which could lead to a settlement. Learn how to fill out a Financial Statement Form, which you need for many types of cases in Massachusetts Probate and Family Court.