How to fill out the Payoff Request Letter Templates? Create a Loan Payoff Letter online and download it as a PDF or Word document.Customize and print a blank Loan Payoff Letter for free. A family loan agreement, also known as an "intrafamily loan," is a document used whenever money is lent between two (2) family members. If a family member needs to borrow money, use our customizable family loan agreement template to get it in writing. A loan agreement is a legal document between a creditor who lends money to a borrower that is repaid with interest. Please fill out this form completely and click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page to send your request via email. Fails to specify a Type of New Vehicle Floorplan Swing Line Loan in a New Vehicle Floorplan Swing Line Loan Notice or if a Payment Commitment or Payoff Letter. Request for Proposals (RFP): Eviction Debt Loan Program. He has served on numer- ous hospital and health-related associations as chairman, administrator, or member.