Complete the front of the form and the "Affidavit for Judgment Debtor Examination" section on the bottom of the form. Write or type in the names and addresses of the defendant (judgment debtor) and the garnishee on the "Request" part of the form.The Plaintiff can only collect the amount stated on the judgment. In addition, the Plaintiff may also receive accumulated interest and additional court costs. Once you complete the Request, you must file it with the district court that entered your judgment. Form MC 19, Execution Against Property, is used to start the process. Complete the Request and Verification portion of form MC 19 and file it with the court. When payment of judgment is complete, either in full or to your satisfaction, you must file a satisfaction of judgment with the court. Garnishment - If you know where money is owed to the defendant, such as wages, bank accounts, etc. , you may file a garnishment to collect this money.