The tutorial shows how to build an amortization schedule in Excel to detail periodic payments on an amortizing loan or mortgage. 13, Payment number, Payment date, Beginning balance, Scheduled payment, Extra payment, TotalAdding extra principal payments in order to pay off the loan earlier than the loan contract calls for. In this tutorial we will add this feature. This Excel spreadsheet makes it easy to view the amortization of a home loan with optional extra monthly payments. For both loans and grants, the expectation is that financing to complete the entire project as specified in the IRF application has been secured. When you took a loan, you would be provided with a table of payment due dates and loan balances (an amortization. Are not to be shown as "Paid or Charged" in the budget document. B) Real Estate loans may have up to a 25-year amortization. Click on "ADD EXTRA PAYMENTS" under the blue Calculate button.