When you borrow money to purchase a car, the lender files a lien on the vehicle with the state to insure that if the loan defaults, the lender can take the car. You must provide the New Jersey title endorsed with a lien or the New Jersey title with the lien satisfaction letter attached.Tow release forms are available at police headquarters 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and can only be provided to the registered owner of the vehicle. Find and download various legal forms, brochures, and self-help kits. If a form does not open, right-click the link to save it to your computer. Please utilize this form to request a Lienholder release a title with a Lien to the MVC, in order to re-title the vehicle in New Jersey with a Lien. Liens can be filed with the New York State DMV for all titled vehicles, boats, and manufactured homes (MFH). Many standard forms are available below. All forms are categorized into their respective departments.