By including a per diem amount in the letter, the parties will not have to execute another payoff letter if the termination date. The Payoff Amount and Per Diem Amount quoted herein are effective through December 31, 2020.Divisions that contracted with human service providers explained that many hu- man service providers were paid on a per diem basis. Only employees having used five days of sick leave or less out of fifteen sick days credited per current year qualify for participation. Payoff Letter for any Mortgages or other liens to be discharged along with wiring instructions for payoff. (Date Received ) (Date Approved ). Payoff Letter for any Mortgages or other liens to be discharged along with wiring instructions for payoff. (Date Received ) (Date Approved ). Began using an outside service (Datamatix) to set up delinquent accounts in tax title. Bell; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. .