There is a lien recorded on the out-of-state certificate of title. The lienholder must print the letter on the official letterhead of the loan company, and an authorized officer must sign the letter.Complete the form to download your free New York Mechanics Lien Release Form template. To fill out the Alabama Application for Lien Release Form, gather all necessary information related to the lien and vehicle. Call the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's (FDIC) lien release number at (888) 206-4662 (toll free) or visit the Closed Banks and Asset Sales section. We overview how to remove a lienholder from a New York State vehicle title. If the vehicle has an Electronic Title, only a Paid in Full letter will be received, and the PNC lien will be released. We are able to provide a new lien release for paid off loans if needed. How does a lien get released? Depending on if your title is in electronic or paper form will determine how you receive it.