If your account has been paid in full for more than 90 days, you can also obtain a duplicate title or lien release online at Vehicle Title My Way. The usual time to receive your title or lien release is 2-3 weeks, depending on the state and how the title is held.It can take up to six weeks or more to have the lien removed from your car title and make it officially yours. Have your VIN handy to get started. Select your lender, Acura Financial Services, Honda Financial Services, PNC. The FDIC may be able to assist you in obtaining a lien release if the request is for a customer of a failed bank that was placed into FDIC receivership. This article provides information regarding titles on vehicles and whether a lien is attached or cleared. Be sure to tell the dealer you want to finance your loan with HVCU, and we'll send payment directly to them — and also coordinate your title and lien. A lien release is when the lienholder formally gives up their claim to the vehicle's title. It lets the car be bought or sold without strings attached.