To pay your fee, log into your case in CEAC and click the 'PAY NOW' button under Affidavit of Support Fee or IV Fee on your summary page. Mail the funds to the address listed in the payoff letter.Wire the funds with the wiring instructions. The Treasury is open Monday through Friday, am to pm, with the exception of County, State and Federal holidays. A Montgomery College ID (M number) is required when using Flywire and the College will only accept payments up to your current balance due. To get a payoff on your lease, please call one of the numbers listed below. Call us at 888-547-6541 (7AM - 7PM, Monday-Saturday CST), visit one of our locations or complete the form below. With 1 – 2 free PRIME shipping, Amazon is definitely the procrastinator's dream. Consumer 1-800-965-5626. How can I request a stop payment?