Request a payoff quote before you send your final payment. 1) North Carolina General Statutes §45-36.9 requires that you must submit a satisfaction instrument to the.The NC SAFE Act requires licensure or registration for individuals and companies who engage in the mortgage business or process and underwrite mortgage loans. (h) A secured creditor must provide upon request one payoff statement or one short‑pay statement without charge during any six‑month period. The following discusses the proper procedure for "freezing" a HELOC loan and cancelling the deed of trust under North. Do you need a loan payoff request form? In the case of a payoff, the wiring instructions are: Date: Bank Name: Wells Fargo. Is an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of North Carolina or a bank, savings and loan association, savings bank, or credit union, but only when: 1. This is an example of a payoff letter used in a syndicated loan transaction.