A student loan payoff letter, also called a payoff statement or loan verification letter, outlines your loan's essential details. Review loan payment and payoff instructions for auto loans, personal loans, lines of credit, credit cards, and mortgages.Private Loan Payoff Letter Template offers a clear and professional format for requesting an official statement of your loan payoff balance. If in agreement, the payor can provide payment immediately. However, if the issue involves a small claims court, this could result in a settlement. 1) North Carolina General Statutes §45-36.9 requires that you must submit a satisfaction instrument to the. The NC SAFE Act requires licensure or registration for individuals and companies who engage in the mortgage business or process and underwrite mortgage loans. SmartAsset's student loan payoff calculator shows what your monthly loan payments will look like and how your loans will amortize over time. Southern New Hampshire University participates in the Federal Direct Loan program.