You must record the Release of Liens with the County of Alameda Recorder's Office at 1106 Madison St., Oakland, CA 94607, to remove them from the property. Please submit the following information with the form: Deed of Trust; Borrower(s) Signed Authorization; The Signed Loan Payoff Request Form.This Notice of Intent to Lien form can be downloaded and used to help speed up payment on a construction project in California. You must record the Release of Liens with the County of. Alameda Recorder's Office at 1106 Madison St., Oakland, CA 94607, to remove them from the property. LOAN PAY-OFF DEMAND REQUEST FORM. This form must be completely filled out and submitted along with all required documents. You know for sure, you may fill out IRS Form 4506T (Request for Transcript of a Tax Return). Diversify revenue streams. For example, if the document following the separator sheet is a form you filled out, you are the author.