Please submit the following information with the form: Deed of Trust; Borrower(s) Signed Authorization; The Signed Loan Payoff Request Form. In case you have paid the remaining loan amount, then mention the payment details.This includes payment mode, amount paid, date, copy of receipt, etc. The lender must comply with any notice requirements in the loan documents. There is no statutory requirement for a pre-foreclosure demand letter. The California Homeowner Bill of Rights is a set of laws that provide protections to homeowners who are facing foreclosure. We have included some samples of foreclosure letters, as well as some examples of house loan foreclosure letter formats, to make things easier. Must be paid at least 5 days before scheduled foreclosure. Complete payoff can be made anytime before foreclosure sale. The City of Oakland is currently recruiting to fill a Loan Servicing Administrator vacancy in the Housing and Community Development Department.