In this video I'm going to show you how you can use Microsoft Excel to conduct a fairly straightforward exercise in loan amortization. Create automatic loan amortization schedule table with PMT, IPMT, PPMT formulas in Microsoft ExcelHave a loan you want to pay off? Try this amortization schedule Excel template to calculate your payments and track your payoff progress. Calculate the monthly payments, total interest, and the amount of the balloon payment for a simple loan using this Excel spreadsheet template. How to find a loan payment amount and build an amortization schedule. A balloon payment is when a large sum is paid at the very end of the loan effectively to pay it off in a big lump sum at the end. Beside those, we can also add balloon payment, which is an optional clause for loan contracts. LoanAmortizationCalculatorS002. Returns the payment per month reach a certain amount in the future, assuming constant payments and interest rate. Loan Payment Calculation.