If you have questions related to this form only, please contact our Bankruptcy staff at 614.779. 0103. Check Your Refund Status Anytime, Anywhere!¬ 24-Hour Hotline - 1-800-282-1784. This format presents clear guidelines that individuals can follow to effectively fill out the Ohio Payoff form, facilitating a more efficient process. With Wells Fargo Online, you'll need to complete a one-time enrollment process. You'll need your Social Security number and date of birth to get started. Estimated payments are due only if (i) the sum of the "adjusted qualifying amounts" (on line 9 of Schedule B for Ohio form IT 1140) for the taxable year. This form includes several fields necessary for processing a payoff request. This is an early release draft of an IRS tax form, instructions, or publication, which the IRS is providing for your information. 1. Single. 2. Married, filing joint return. 3.