Lienholder Name: Lienholder Address: Lienholder City, State, Zip: SUBJECT: REGISTRATION OF VEHICLE WITH OUT-OF-STATE TITLE WITH LIEN. Please utilize this form to request a Lienholder release a title with a Lien to the MVC, in order to re-title the vehicle in New Jersey with a Lien.You'll need to include the amount of your claim and details about the property and people who owe you money. SUBJECT: REGISTRATION OF VEHICLE WITH OUT-OF-STATE TITLE WITH LIEN. Include your case number, the date of the payoff and your email address in your request. We will email the payoff statement to you upon receiving your request. After paying off your car loan in New Jersey, you'll receive a lien release letter from your lender. This signifies the car title is free and clear. Note that the amount due shown online may not be the total due to satisfy the judgment. That should be all he needs.