Can I pay for meals on my Travel Card (TCard) when traveling? No, for employees, PBSC pays per diem for meals, not out of pocket costs.When the travel period has ended, the traveler will be required to complete and submit a form DH 676 within ten working days of returning to headquarters. Phone: (561) 776.3696; PX 53696. Per diem rates lookup Allowances for lodging, meal and incidental costs while on official government travel. Payoff Statement (1) - Free download as PDF File (. By including a per diem amount in the letter, the parties will not have to execute another payoff letter if the termination date. Statute is required to be measured against a rate of per capita income (PCI) for Florida citizens. All employees and supervisors who are responsible for completing evaluations shall receive training on this policy and the Employee Performance Evaluation form. Travel, Mileage and Per Diem.