Now that your loan is paid off, you should receive a "letter of lien release" from the bank or financial institution that financed your vehicle. Use this template to easily file your lien release at the same county clerk's office where the original lien was filed.To officially request your lien be released from the title of your vehicle, you must send the lienholder a lien release request letter. Learn more about what Pennsylvania's Electronic Lien and Title (ELT) Program(opens in a new tab) is, and what the benefits are to being involved in the program. Remove a lien on a piece of property with LawDepot's free Lien Release form. Customize, download, and print your form now. The way it works is you have to submit a very specific document um called the lean satisfaction or lien release to the dmv. MICHIGAN VEHICLE CODE (EXCERPT) Act 300 of 1949. Registering and titling your vehicle with your state's Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is the final step to owning your new car. Properly signing your title is critical for title transfer.