A loan personal guarantee is a document that allows an individual (guarantor) to be held responsible for money loaned if a borrower does not pay it back. A guarantor's form should include a space to fill in the home address, work address, phone number, and email address.This statement should be completed only if another person in addition to the applicant will be obligated to repay the loan. Do you need a loan payoff request form? If your loan defaults, your account will transfer to your guarantor, and your balance becomes due in full immediately. The following required items are in addition to the lenders closing instruction letter, they are specific to PHFA loans. 1. This covenant ensures that a guarantor is sufficiently liquid to pay off the debt. How long does it take to fill out the form to apply for an auto loan from Navy Federal? Finance Agency is located in the County of. Complete the Publications Form that is included in this packet.