If selling or refinancing your home with the intention of paying of the remaining balance on your forgivable loan, a payoff letter will be required. Do you need a loan payoff request form?A Payoff Request Form is an essential document for those looking to fulfill the remaining balance on a home equity line of credit. You may also need to fill out a form and supply details like your name, signature, contact info, account number, property address, and desired payoff date. To request a payoff quote, please complete the payoff quote form. This form is intended for 3rd parties acting on behalf of Mr. Cooper customers. To request a payoff quote, please complete the payoff quote form. This form is intended for 3rd parties acting on behalf of Mr. Cooper customers. This form is a complete legal loan agreement template that outlines the sections and terms you should expect from the loan contract. This form is furnished to give you a statement of actual settlement costs.