In a loan reinstatement, you need to find just enough cash. It sets out your loan amount, your payment date, the payment amount or how your payment amount will be determined and the maturity date.Learn how the Arizona foreclosure process works, including preforeclosure steps, state foreclosure laws, and homeowner rights. Enclosed with this letter, you will find a formal payoff statement confirming the full satisfaction of your loan. Are you facing foreclosure or mortgage payments you may not be able to afford? If you've stopped paying your creditors for unpaid debts, they will likely report your account as a charge-off after four to six months of non-payment. In case you have paid the remaining loan amount, then mention the payment details. This includes payment mode, amount paid, date, copy of receipt, etc. If you've stopped paying your creditors for unpaid debts, they will likely report your account as a charge-off after four to six months of non-payment. Looking to secure a property in the Grand Canyon state?