Under the Loan Information section, you will find a payoff request option that will take you to our payoff request form. A mortgage payoff letter can come in two forms.One form tells borrowers the remaining principal amount and interest they have to pay to close out the loan. This service allows clients to conveniently secure accurate and up-to-date payoff information regarding the outstanding balance on their mortgage loans. Depending on your lender, you may have to sign in to an online account, call a helpline, or send a formal letter to start the request process. The mortgage payoff statement is a document that provides a comprehensive breakdown of the remaining balance on a mortgage. Rather, reach out to our office directly and speak with a Section 32. Rather, reach out to our office directly and speak with a Section 32. Request your free payoff quote in one of two convenient ways. You'll choose your good-through date up to 30 days.