Under the Loan Information section, you will find a payoff request option that will take you to our payoff request form. Looking for a payoff amount?A secured lender shall prepare and deliver a payoff demand statement to the person who has requested it within fourteen days after receipt of the demand. A mortgage payoff letter can come in two forms. One form tells borrowers the remaining principal amount and interest they have to pay to close out the loan. To expedite your request for a payoff or reinstatement quote, please complete the form below. Expect a turnaround time of 48-72 hours. To get a payoff quote, contact your loan servicer and ask for a "payoff letter" or "payoff statement. The original, recorded discharge will be sent to the mailing address on record at the time of payoff. Weststar is a leading loan servicing company specializing in servicing privately held deeds of trust, real estate contracts and consumer debt obligations.