If you purchase a vehicle with a lien, the lien must be paid or lienholder permission obtained before you can transfer the title into your name. I certify that the lien indicated above has been paid in full, that I have no further interest in and release all claims to the vehicle.We offer competitive rates and flexible terms. Fill out the form on the right to download your free Arizona notice of intent to lien template. Search for Arizona Lien records. Explore the types of liens, such as tax liens and judgment liens. Releasing a Restitution Lien on a Vehicle, AOCGN8I. MVD Request for Release of Lien, AOCGN8F. The letter must include the complete legal name and date of birth of the agent, and a complete description of the vehicle, to include year, make, model, body. Thank you first of all but filling out a power of attorney of vehicle form and sending it back stating from my insurance.