Our mobile and web services allow you to obtain real time account information, deposit checks, pay bills, transfer funds, purchase on the go, and more. It is very difficult to see whether you have a loan or not your visa will be approved or it wouldn't.To pay your fee, log into your case in CEAC and click the 'PAY NOW' button under Affidavit of Support Fee or IV Fee on your summary page. Please click the link below to schedule an in-branch service appointment. The first step is to get in touch with your lender or loan servicer. You can find their contact information on your monthly statements. Yes, an I-20 form is a crucial document required for a U.S. F1 visa application for international students. Is it okay to show an in-principle loan sanction letter when in a US F1 visa interview if I didn't get my loan sanctioned before the interview? This is an example of a payoff letter used in a syndicated loan transaction. Couldn't find the answer to your question?