Form must be filled out and notarized at the time of filing. The release of lien is an authorization to transfer the real property, located in New York State, free and clear of the estate tax lien.NOTE: You should also send a copy of the check and cover letter to the Division of Liens and Recovery – Estates Unit staff member that worked on your case. A release of lien is a document that releases New York State's interest in a specific piece of property so it can be transferred to a new owner. Notice of Lending forms can be purchased at stationery stores that carry legal forms. A lien is a legal claim against property for outstanding debt. You can file the notice before the project is completed or within 30 days of completion. 1. Provide your name and information. A claimant should fill out a formal property release demand form for the release of arrest evidence at property release answer. How long does it take to remove a lien from property?