It is strongly suggested that they consult with Student Financial Services to determine if the drop or withdrawal will result in the reversal of financial aid. If you withdraw from all of your courses, you may forfeit your next TAP payment.Students may be eligible for a one-time waiver. If you are not able to complete your transaction online, you can now schedule an appointment to visit one of our business centers. When all fees and charges owing to the university are paid and a credit balance remains on your SOLUS account, you may be eligible for a refund. Eligible families may receive up to 60 months of federally funded cash assistance under the Temporary Aid to Needy Families Program (TANF). To make a payment or apply for a payment plan, visit the online payment portal today through UIS. Students can login to their personal UIS account. This document is a debt payoff letter from a debtor to a creditor. If you want to repay your total outstanding loan balance in a lump sum, you may file a "TDA Loan Repayment.