Student Awards administers a variety of financial aid programs to help you finance your Queen's education. When all fees and charges owing to the university are paid and a credit balance remains on your SOLUS account, you may be eligible for a refund.Eligibility information, how to apply, receiving your funding, and appeals for the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP). Changes that may impact your OSAP entitlement must be submitted to the Student Awards office, and may result in an overpayment you will have to repay. It is strongly suggested that they consult with Student Financial Services to determine if the drop or withdrawal will result in the reversal of financial aid. Find a Scotiabank near you. What forms of payment do you accept? Eligible families may receive up to 60 months of federally funded cash assistance under the Temporary Aid to Needy Families Program (TANF). It is strongly suggested that they consult with Student Financial Services to determine if the drop or withdrawal will result in the reversal of financial aid. The Corporation has no taxing power.