This page allows users to request an electronic payoff quote for iSeries and MSP mortgage products. Bank of America customer service information is designed to make your banking experience easy and efficient.The FDIC may be able to assist you in obtaining a lien release if the request is for a customer of a failed bank that was placed into FDIC receivership. The Deed of Trust must be in a format the Sacramento County Recorder's Office will accept. IBank was created in 1994 to finance public infrastructure and private development that promote a healthy climate for jobs, contribute to a strong economy. From everyday business checking account options to loans of all types, we are a comprehensive bank providing solid advice and highly personalized service. You can also request a payoff statement. Log in to Online Banking or use the mobile app. First Foundation's services goes well beyond Banking and Private Wealth Management. Please do not use this form for questions related to a Westlake Auto Loan.