The dealer must, within 7 days, notify the lien holder in writing that the vehicle has been traded in. Contact Discover® Personal Loans with any questions on personal loan basics, debt consolidation, or other personal loan topics.Enclosed with this letter, you will find a formal payoff statement confirming the full satisfaction of your loan. The Vehicle Payoff Sample Letter form is a crucial document for individuals aiming to transfer their vehicle loan to the State Department Federal Credit Union. If you're worried about how to get out of debt, here are some things to know — and how to find legitimate help. If you're worried about how to get out of debt, here are some things to know — and how to find legitimate help. This statement includes the loan account number and details of the final payment. P.O. Box 45046 Salt Lake City, UT 84145. A payoff agreement is an informal contract in which a creditor agrees to accept the balance of a debt owed as full payment. I financed a car through this company - what a nightmare.