The template below can help you write your own pay for delete letter. Simply update the bolded portions with your own information.Have you recently settled a debt and are searching for a paid in full letter? Good news, we've got two free sample form letters below. This letter explains some of the options available to help pay for your chosen course and where to access further information and advice. The RDA loan program provides critical gap financing for projects that advance the RDA's goals and objectives outlined in its Strategic Plans. If you ever need to prove that a debt is fully paid and can no longer be collected, then a paidinfull letter can be your best friend. A loan extension agreement is a mutual agreement between a lender and borrower that extends the maturity date on a borrower's loan. A loan extension agreement is a mutual agreement between a lender and borrower that extends the maturity date on a borrower's loan. Fed up with searching for effective goodwill letter templates?