Depending on your lender, you may have to sign in to an online account, call a helpline, or send a formal letter to start the request process. The mortgage payoff statement is a document that provides a comprehensive breakdown of the remaining balance on a mortgage.A payoff agreement is an informal contract in which a creditor agrees to accept the balance of a debt owed as full payment. A request for a payoff statement is not timely unless the trustee receives the request at least 10 business days before the trustee's sale. Request a Payoff Statement. Utah Housing Corporation (UHC) is committed to helping our homeowners who are facing difficulties making their payments. Phone. Monday – Saturday: 24 hours a day. Sunday: 24 hour card support only. You can find a contact number on your mortgage statement. Be happy to work with the residents on Lake Mountain Road if they can step up and pay for road upgrades.